Klien kami menggunakan > 250 daftar tilik penyakit terkini saat pengambilan keputusan klinis. Hal ini mencegah terjadinya kesalahan medis terutama saat dokter kelelahan. Juga membantu tenaga medis di tempat dengan jumlah dokter terbatas.
Tampilan data kinerja layanan secara real time agar anda dapat melihat kualitas layanan di semua unit serta hal apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada pasien.
Real time health system results display makes clear what works and what can improve to all interested in quality care. Medical care improves when it is not just doctors responsible for results.
Sistem farmasi kami di desain dengan peresepan elektronik yang cepat, mudah dan akurat serta terhubung langsung dengan stock obat. Kami mencegah kekosongan stok obat yang dapat membahayakan pasien.
Our pharmacy system makes prescribing medicines fast, accurate and simple while managing inventories. We prevent life-threatening stock-outs.
Sistem pelayanan dan pencatatan berkualitas di fasilitas kesehatan setiap hari dengan cepat akan mendeteksi bila ada peningkatan jumlah kasus yang tidak biasa atau pada epidemi
Our pharmacy system makes prescribing medicines fast, accurate and simple while managing inventories.
We asked clinicians what type of patient data keeping and sharing system made the most sense, then built it.
We adapt WD methods to clients’ local needs, growing their reach and impact. We build lasting caring relationships.
Quality care and record keeping in health facilities every day mean detection of disease aberrations that occur in epidemics, one day.
We help doctors manage the business-side of medicine.
Our clients cross-check diagnostic and treatment decisions against over 250 evidence-based protocols. When doctors are stressed, this prevents mistakes. Where doctors are scarce, this provides a way to task-shift life-saving responsibilities to nurses and midwives.
Walking doctors brings vital support and technology to health care professionals wherever they work. Our software helps health care providers make faster more accurate diagnostic and treatment decisions.