Set up
I am off to Indonesia to pilot what I believe is the world’s first system to make doctor work faster while preventing mistakes. The work
Aplikasi rekam medis elektronik berbasis website yang membantu meningkatkan kualitas layanan di klinik secara signifikan sekaligus mengelola bisnis anda
Dua Masalah Utama Layanan Kesehatan
Ada 50,000 diagnosa penyakit dan 4,500 jenis obat, dokter tidak dapat mengingat semua diagnosa dan pilihan pengobatan yang ada
Rekam medis tidak terisi lengkap sehingga pengambil kebijakan tidak mengerti permasalahan yang ada serta solusi yang dibutuhkan
2.6 million deaths
annuallyWorld Health Organization, 2019
1/3 of all healthcare resources are wasted
Lallemand, et al, “Reducing Medical Waste;’ RWJF Health Affairs, Dec. 13, 2012
We asked health care providers what type of patient data keeping and sharing system they wanted, then built it
WD’s over 275 evidence-based checklists helps providers deliver care quickly and safely
Our customers use WD dashboards to drive clinical performance and health facility bottom lines
Klien kami menggunakan > 250 daftar tilik penyakit terkini saat pengambilan keputusan klinis. Hal ini mencegah terjadinya kesalahan medis terutama saat dokter kelelahan. Juga membantu tenaga kesehatan di tempat dengan jumlah dokter terbatas.
Our clients run decisions through over 250 evidence-based checklists. Where doctors are stressed, this prevents mistakes. Where doctors are scarce, this allows task-shifting of life-saving care.
Real time health system results display makes clear what works and what can improve to all interested in quality care. Medical care improves when it is not just doctors responsible for results.
Tampilan data kinerja layanan secara real time agar anda dapat melihat kualitas layanan di semua unit serta hal apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik pada pasien
Our pharmacy system makes prescribing medicines fast, accurate and simple while managing inventories. We prevent life-threatening stock-outs.
Sistem farmasi kami di desain dengan peresepan elektronik cepat,mudah dan akurat serta terhubung langsung dengan stok obat. Kami mencegah kekosongan stok obat yang dapat membahayakan pasien.
Our pharmacy system makes prescribing medicines fast, accurate and simple while managing inventories. We prevent life-threatening stock-outs.
Fasilitas kesehatan dapat mendeteksi awal kejadian luar biasa penyakit yang terjadi saat epidemi dengan tersedianya data dan pelayanan yang berkualitas
I am off to Indonesia to pilot what I believe is the world’s first system to make doctor work faster while preventing mistakes. The work
Sometimes even the remote stands a chance. Sure, the threat of diarrhea looms. Sweat has flattened the hair and shined-up the forehead. You don’t even
Starting from the time when I was in high school in Salt Lake City, Utah, through my college years at Berkeley, and even while in
This is a excellent company!
personally enjoyed the energy & the professional support the whole team gave to us into creating website.
I wanted to hire the best and after
looking at several other companies,
knew Jacob was the perfect guy for the
job. he is a true professional.
Their team are easy to work with and helped me make amazing websites in a short amount of time. thanks again guys for all your hard work.
Quality Care.
Pelayanan Berkualitas.
Dimana Saja.
Quality Care.
Quality Care.
Walking doctors brings vital support and technology to health care professionals wherever they work. Our software helps health care providers make faster more accurate diagnostic and treatment decisions.