A Comprehensive Library Wherever Doctors Work
WD’s over 275 checklists answer questions, enable quick charting, and recommend medicines at the right dose. They even signal when a diagnosis or treatment may be incorrect, allowing for correction of orders.

WD’s over 275 checklists answer questions, enable quick charting, and recommend medicines at the right dose. They even signal when a diagnosis or treatment may be incorrect, allowing for correction of orders.
A Comprehensive Library Wherever Doctors Work
A Comprehensive Library Wherever Doctors Work
WD’s over 275 checklists answer questions, enable quick charting, and recommend medicines at the right dose. They even signal when a diagnosis or treatment may be incorrect, allowing for correction of orders.

Real-time results display makes clear what is working and alerts leadership to sentinel events. Medical care improves when it’s not just doctors responsible for results.

Real-time results display makes clear what is working and alerts leadership to sentinel events. Medical care improves when it’s not just doctors responsible for results.
Time-based analysis of disease outcomes across facilities reveals disparities in care. When geographical-based disease incidence exceeds normal rates, this defines epidemics.

Time-based analysis of disease outcomes across facilities reveals disparities in care. When geographical-based disease incidence exceeds normal rates, this defines epidemics.