Clinic Yasmin

Clinic Keur Dijiguene Yi

Dr. Juliette Faye directs Keur Dijiguene Yi in Dakar, Senegal. The clinic provides obstetric, gynecologic and pediatric services regardless of ability to pay. Walking Doctors all-in-one EMR supports Keur Dijiguene Yi’s reputation as a place respectful of local cultural and religious traditions offering women and children the most state of the art medical care.
Clinic Yasmin

This large clinic is located in Bogor, West Java. Yasmin just opened but will soon feature multiple GP’s, pediatricians, OB, and even lactation consultants working together. Clinic Yasmin has challenged WD to automate pricing for studies, medicines, specialist seen and procedures. We completed this challenge.

WD Does Dentists

Meet Dr. Linda. Dr. Linda was Walking Doctors’ first dental customer. She was excited to find an EMR that saved notes on patients’ teeth between visits. We are excited because Dr. Linda is helping us further adapt WD for the community of dentists. Can you say odontogram?

WD Does Dentists

Meet Dr. Linda. Dr. Linda was Walking Doctors’ first dental customer. She was excited to find an EMR that saved notes on patients’ teeth between visits. We are excited because Dr. Linda is helping us further adapt WD for the community of dentists. Can you say odontogram?

Liberia's only Diabetes Clinic for Children

MiniMe Clinic

Welcome Dr. Hestu Putri Yanuarti, WD’s first pediatrician! Dr. Hestu tells a story of looking far and wide for an electronic health record that supported the needs of her speciality clinic. “WD was the only system that helped with decision making,” she said, “WD helps us deliver quality care.”

Liberia's only Diabetes Clinic for Children

Clinic Fatimah

Fatimah is a small clinic located in Bogor, West JAVA. It serves private patients and patients covered under Indonesia’s national health insurance program, BPJS. In other words, everyone is welcome at Fatimah including those who can’t make it to the clinic: Dr. Fatimah is among the first to use WD’s telehealth feature.
Liberia's only Diabetes Clinic for Children
Walking Doctor systems continue to purr within Liberia’s only type I diabetes clinic for children, who otherwise would not survive without access to insulin and regular monitoring. In Liberia, it’s still this melodramatic. The clinic is based out of JDJ Public Hospital just outside of the Capitol of Monrovia and was founded by WD CEO & Founder, Dr. Wang in 2011 when he lived there.
Despite the Ebola crisis and other insults to Liberia’s health care infrastructure, the number of patients at JDJ’s diabetes clinic only grows. The current number of patients is 27. The clinic is led and sustained by medical leader Augustine Koryon with support from the International Diabetes Federation, the IRC, and Liberia’s Health Ministry.